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This is a single-player card-based RPG.

Press Space during cutscenes to view the next page. Q during cutscenes will skip the cutscene.

A and D during battles will allow you to view your current party. Pressing W will allow you to look through their available cards. Pressing Space will select that player for the next duel to play that card. Pressing Q during a battle will switch to View Mode, allowing you to look at everyone's available cards and also check their HP, Funny, and Ready. Pressing Q again while in View Mode will leave View Mode.

Use the Up and Down arrows to raise and lower the volume of the music respectfully.

At the start of each battle section: everybody rolls a 1d4 and a 1d10. The 1d4 determines the amount of Funny everybody starts with. Everybody's Ready stat is equal to their 1d10 roll. Ready stays the way it is unless a card changes it. Anytime anyone takes a Break, everybody rolls a 1d4 to add to their Funny. Ready generally just determines who attacks first in a duel, with the higher number going first. If there is a tie, the player with the most Funny will go first. If there is still a tie, random chance will decide.

After pressing Space to select a player from your party for the duel, the duel will commence. The player that was decided to go first will then use the card they selected first, if they can afford it. If they can't afford it or if they have zero cards, they will take a Break. If the second duel player survives, they will then get a chance to play their card. If a player's HP is reduced to zero or less, they are defeated and all players with more than 0HP will roll a 1d4 for more Funny. A team of players loses if everyone on the team has zero or less HP. 

EDIT: On 6/20/2024, I added code so that now the game will show you the enemy and what card they will be playing. On 6/26/2024, I changed the combat system so only one player needs to go on Break instead of both and I changed the effect of all of the Line Action cards.

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