While there is no story currently in the game, I do have an idea for the world and characters in this one.

You play as Jacob, a 30 year old programmer who is stuck living a mundane though stable life. He's got a steady job, his own apartment, no kids, and acquaintances who think he's a decent enough guy. This all changes when a rift between Dreams and Reality opens and the laws of the world change. The majority of the population have become Sleep-people. Their personalities have completely altered based on stereotypes and perception, turning into cartoonish caricatures of themselves. Jacob is awaken from this state by his past imaginary friend; Baxter. However, being awake doesn't mean he doesn't have to go back to high school! Jacob, with the help of Baxter and the new friends he makes both real and imaginary, must survive this twisted version of high school and find a way to close the rift. If Dreams fully take over the world, chaos will reign! All science will be thrown out the window!

This game is a turn-based RPG centered around managing your Mental State. At the start of your turn, you'll add 2 to your Mental State. If it ends up below 3, then it will be raised to be 3. Press A & D to look at your available Social Skills and press Space to use one. If it requires you to choose a person, press Space to choose your target. If while choosing a target you decide you don't want to choose a person, press Q to cancel. Pressing T will change the speed of the AI characters. Pressing M can turn the music ON and OFF (starts OFF on default because GMS2 seems to be weird about playing music immediately on browser)

Read each Social Skill carefully; reading the Social Skill explains the Social Skill. Some Social Skills will end your turn on use, others will let you continue, and some will end your turn if you don't meet a requirement. Your goal is to Annoy your enemies until their Character reaches 0 or less. Some Social Skills will cost Mental State, others can add to it, and other Social Skills will do something extra if you have enough Mental State. For example, a Social Skill with (5M) will have an additional effect if your Mental State is 5 or higher. Having 0 Mental State will mean you can't do anything with your turn. (Annoying is this game's way of saying deal damage, and Character is the equivalent to HP)

For this prototype, it's a 2v2. Jacob and Baxter VS Zamurai and Zingman. While the ultimate goal for this project will be to be able to customize your move set to allow for different strategies for different players, this one was made as an example of the combat system, so no customizing currently. Baxter is on your team, but he makes his own decisions. You can only control Jacob's turn.

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