A man named Telev gets his head stuck in a magic old television. Now, the people around him are getting brainwashed into poorly written sitcom characters! The only way to get this TV off of his head is for Telev to live through a season of a sitcom. He will be aided by his "best friend" Paul and his neighbor, a super spy named Fae. Does Telev have enough screen presence to carry a season of a silly sitcom, or will he be pulled from air?

A & D to look through cards in your hand.
Press Space to see the next page of dialog in the cutscene or to play a card in your hand.

This is a 3v3 card game where each turn, you get to play a single card from your hand. Cards can either add to your Heart or be stressful to play. Cards with 1 or more Stress require you to pay Heart equal to their Stress, otherwise they will be played face down and do nothing. Cards with 0 or negative Stress will add to your Heart but have a weaker effect. Your Heart can reach the negative, but you can always play a card with 0 or less Stress. Your Heart acts as both HP and Mana. Anytime you are annoyed, your Heart goes down. Be careful about when you want to play expensive cards!
Everyone gets 5 cards to start with, and you play one each turn. After everyone has emptied their hand, everyone gets one last Present Phase. After the Character of each person is counted, whichever team has the highest total Character wins!
[ACT]- This effect happens after being played from hand.
[PRESENT]- This effect happens during your Present Phase, which is at the start of your turn. A card must be face up to use this effect.
[END]- This effect only occurs during the final Present Phase if this card is face up.
A- If you see text that says something like "You score A," that means you raise your Character by that card's Amaze stat.

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