A downloadable game for Windows


A & D to cycle through cards

Space to play cards/add cards to deck/move on from effect screen

Q during deck building to empty the deck


This is currently only a single-player game. You will face an AI who uses one of 3 decks. You'll both start with 50 HP and 1 Team Point (TP). You'll both also start with all 6 cards in your hand. The first one to reach 0 HP or less is the loser! Each turn, you'll pick one of your cards in hand to play. The opponent and you will play at the same time. The game will let you know which card will have their effect trigger first, then the other player's card triggers their effect. After both effects have triggered, the first player gets to attack, reducing the HP of their opponent by their card's Attack value. If the second player survives, they get to attack. When a new turn begins, both players get +1 TP and the first and second player will be swapped. If you run out of cards or if you volunteer to, you can skip your turn and take Fatigue damage to add all cards you played back to your hand. You'll take 3 Fatigue damage the first time, and it increases by 3 each time you skip.

For further clarification and just to show the game in action, I have made a How To Play video!

Music was not made by me, the music was made by MELOCHI!



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